“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland " (Isaiah 43:18-19)We preach a God of redemption and transformation who takes our broken, messed up lives and exchanges them for His new, abundant life. That's what I believed would happen and that IS what happened, but it didn't happen overnight. I believed when I accepted God's invitation to salvation that I would be on the road to God's wonderful plan for my life. What I faced instead was the crucible of crisis where God brought me face to face with the depth of my need for Him and over time by the power of the Holy Spirit did the work of healing in every area of my life. His goal - to deliver me from anything that kept me from loving Him completely. His process - transformation from the inside out.
How does transformation happen? Transformation happens when we exchange the lies we believe about ourselves with the truth that God says about us. Revelation 4 gives a picture of the worship of heaven. The four living creatures worship God for His attributes. He is the Holy Lord God Almighty. But the 24 elders worship God for His attributes and what He has done. He is worthy because He created all things. Now, why is that important with regards to transformation? Because only God is the Creator of all things - including you and I. That means He is the only One that can say who we were created to be. Our feelings, our conditioning, our culture, our parents - no one on earth has the right to tell us who we are. Only God has that right as the One who created us.
Next week
Roxie and I will be ministering at the Exodus International Freedom Conference. Roxie will be sharing her testimony with the delegates at the conference and I will be leading worship - as well as helping lead the ministry times. Exodus ministers to people who are struggling with unwanted same sex attraction. Every year we see people in the midst of transformation. We see them in the process of exchanging the lies they believe about themselves with the truth of who God created them to be. It's so amazing. Please pray for us as we minister.
I've asked some special guests to come and share on Wednesday and Sunday. On Wednesday Peter Cropsey, a fellow School of Ministry graduate and pastor of a new church called First Love, will come and share. He just finished a book entitled Dead Man Waking and he was a former member of a notorious biker gang and will be featured on New York Ink on The Learning Channel. Yes, he is tatted up from head to toe. On Sunday Tommy Cota from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa will be sharing. He heads up the Hands of Hope Ministry and also hosts the One Step To Freedom Conference that ministers to people with addictions. Tommy pulled the trailer for my wife when she taught released time education for CCCM. He is an amazing speaker. Shineyhead will be leading worship as well. Please make them feel welcomed and show them the generous grace that you've received in Christ.
We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.
Roxie and I are praying for you...
P.S. Pray for Worship Life as we begin looking for a facility that we can call our own and pray for Revival in South Orange County. We have absolutely nothing, but that has never stopped us before. Where God guides, He provides and God is doing great things!!!
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