Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Road To Exodus


“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland " (Isaiah 43:18-19)Online Giving.

We preach a God of redemption and transformation who takes our broken, messed up lives and exchanges them for His new, abundant life. That's what I believed would happen and that IS what happened, but it didn't happen overnight. I believed when I accepted God's invitation to salvation that I would be on the road to God's wonderful plan for my life. What I faced instead was the crucible of crisis where God brought me face to face with the depth of my need for Him and over time by the power of the Holy Spirit did the work of healing in every area of my life. His goal - to deliver me from anything that kept me from loving Him completely. His process - transformation from the inside out.

How does transformation happen? Transformation happens when we exchange the lies we believe about ourselves with the truth that God says about us. Revelation 4 gives a picture of the worship of heaven. The four living creatures worship God for His attributes. He is the Holy Lord God Almighty. But the 24 elders worship God for His attributes and what He has done. He is worthy because He created all things. Now, why is that important with regards to transformation? Because only God is the Creator of all things - including you and I. That means He is the only One that can say who we were created to be. Our feelings, our conditioning, our culture, our parents - no one on earth has the right to tell us who we are. Only God has that right as the One who created us.

Next week
Roxie and I will be ministering at the Exodus International Freedom Conference. Roxie will be sharing her testimony with the delegates at the conference and I will be leading worship - as well as helping lead the ministry times. Exodus ministers to people who are struggling with unwanted same sex attraction. Every year we see people in the midst of transformation. We see them in the process of exchanging the lies they believe about themselves with the truth of who God created them to be. It's so amazing. Please pray for us as we minister.

I've asked some special guests to come and share on Wednesday and Sunday. On Wednesday Peter Cropsey, a fellow School of Ministry graduate and pastor of a new church called First Love, will come and share. He just finished a book entitled Dead Man Waking and he was a former member of a notorious biker gang and will be featured on New York Ink on The Learning Channel. Yes, he is tatted up from head to toe. On Sunday Tommy Cota from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa will be sharing. He heads up the Hands of Hope Ministry and also hosts the One Step To Freedom Conference that ministers to people with addictions. Tommy pulled the trailer for my wife when she taught released time education for CCCM. He is an amazing speaker. Shineyhead will be leading worship as well. Please make them feel welcomed and show them the generous grace that you've received in Christ.

We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.

Roxie and I are praying for you...
P.S. Pray for Worship Life as we begin looking for a facility that we can call our own and pray for Revival in South Orange County. We have absolutely nothing, but that has never stopped us before. Where God guides, He provides and God is doing great things!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How Do You Measure Success?


“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name." (Revelation 3:8)Online Giving.

This week we looked at the Church of Philadelphia. Philadelphia was a city under constant change. It was highly transitory. People came and went because it was a major trade center between Europe and Asia. The land was unstable due to volcanic activity which led to earthquakes. The people of Philadelphia were constantly leaving the city because they preferred to live in the safety of the country. The name of the city was in constant change as it was named after the latest Roman emperor. However, despite all the instability and uncertainty that surrounded Philadelphia, the believers there were completely faithful to God. To this day, there has always been a worshipping Christian presence in Philadelphia. They were faithful.

We often look for external evidence of success. A big bank account. A nice home. Lots of friends. A well respected position in a company. I even had a preacher once tell me that my son was called to the ministry because he was good looking and made people laugh. This might define success from the world's perspective. But God sees success much differently. To God success equals faithfulness.

There is such a pull in our culture to be successful from the world's perspective. I was even told, why do we have all these little churches. We just need a few big churches. Unfortunately, statistics show that small churches provide a better environment for accountability and spiritual growth. This is just one example of where our view of success clashes with God's view of success. I want to encourage you to spend some time alone with God and ask yourself this question. What things do I focus on as measurements for success in my life? Am I focused on God's measure for success or am I focused on this world's measurement for success? Be honest and ask God to refocus you if you discover that you're measurement for success isn't the same as God's. Remember, God is only after one thing... faithfulness.

We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.

Roxie and I are praying for you...


P.S. Pray for Worship Life as we begin looking for a facility that we can call our own and pray for Revival in South Orange County. God is doing great things!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Living In God's Favor


"For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield" (Psalm 5:12)Online Giving.

First of all, let me say to all the moms and the moms to be - Happy Mother's Day. We have something special for you this Sunday. On Sunday mornings we are going through the book of Ephesians in our series entitled "Grace Filled Relationships." What I am discovering is that most Christians don't expect God's blessing or favor in their lives. In fact, they really expect difficulty and hardship and when it comes they automatically assume it comes from God. The belief is that God needs to use hardship and difficulty in our lives to keep us dependent on Him because He doesn't trust us with His blessing and favor. If we are too blessed then we will drift away so He keeps us on a tight chain with adversity. What a crock of rotten stinky produce. In this season of my life, God has been challenging that belief in me. Do I really believe that God wants to bless me and pour out His favor on my life?

We had something happen this week that really brought home the reality that God is working to show favor and bless my life more than I realize. We have been praying and asking God what evangelism looks like at Worship Life. With all the musicians and artists at church, we've been asking God if perhaps music and arts is the way He wants us to impact our culture. We hosted a night of worship at The Green Earth Coffee Shop with great success and we've been asking God to open other doors of opportunity. It was particularly hot at our midweek study, so we left the door open to allow the breeze to come through. Without our knowledge, a lady who was walking her dog stopped outside our door and began to listen to the worship. Tears filled her eyes. One of the ladies from the study was coming in late and noticed her standing outside. She asked if she could help her and the lady commented on the worship coming from our Bible Study. She said that she was the marketing director for Chik-Fil-A in Laguna Niguel and wanted whatever was happening in our Bible Study at her store and asked us to contact her. I emailed her and she responded very positively and wants Worship Life to partner with them in some events. All this to show that we have no idea what God is doing and how He is setting things up to pour His blessing and favor in our lives.

Does that mean we never encounter adversity? Absolutely not. Jesus said in this world you will have tribulation. But He also said to be of good cheer because He overcame the world. My prayer for you is that you will believe more and more the truth that God wants to bless you abundantly. Even in the midst of adversity, there is favor and blessing coming your way if you are looking from God's perspective. Believe what God says about you and doubt everything else.

We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.

Roxie and I are praying for you...
P.S. Pray for Worship Life as we begin looking for a facility that we can call our own and pray for Revival in South Orange County. God is doing great things!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Road To Easter


"Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’ Hosanna in the highest!” " (Matthew 21:9)Online Giving.

This week we celebrate one of the most documented events in human history - the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The historians of the first century never doubted that Jesus rose from the dead. It was a known fact that was testified by Jesus' disciples and witten of by non-Christian reporters. The resurrection was central to the gospel message. In fact Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty." (1 Corinthians 15:12-14).
Statistics tells us that most people are open to accepting an invitation to come to church at Easter. Over the next few days, Worship Life Calvary Chapel has provided several opportunities for you to invite your friends to come and hear the gospel. Wednesday Seder Dinner with Bob Probert, Good Friday Service with Cherri Keaggy and our Easter Together Services on Easter Sunday. I'm also putting on a Night of Worship at The Good Earth Coffee Shop in Lake Forest with Shineyhead, Brenda Harp, David Ostrea and the Worship Life Team. Date is April 15 and time is 7:30 - 10:00 pm. It is my prayer that you take advantage of these opportunities to be a life changing influence to your friends, neighbors, family and co-workers by simply inviting them to come to church. In preparation for the events of Easter, Worship Life will be joining with six other churches for a PRAYER WALK throughout San Clemente this Saturday from 9 am to 12 pm. We have designated 50 locations that will be divided amongst all the folks that turn up to pray. Nothing happens in the Kingdom of God without prayer. Come and join us. We will be meeting at Heritage Christian Fellowship at 8:45 am for instructions.
As we enter the Easter season where we are remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus, I pray that the power of God's forgiveness would be unleashed in your life as you realize that your sins have been washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ.
IMPORTANT EASTER SERVICE INFORMATION: WE WILL NOT BE MEETING at Vista Del Mar School on Easter April 24, 2001. We will be joining the Body of Christ in San Clemente as part of the Easter Together Celebration. We will provide opportunities for you to bring your normal Sunday tithes and offerings for Worship Life at the Seder Dinner and at the Good Friday Service. You are also invited to send in your offering to the church office by mail or bring it the following week to services. CLICK HERE for a link to all our Easter Events.

We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.

Roxie and I are praying for you...
P.S. Starting Sunday, I've put together a daily devotion called - The Road To Easter. Each day you will be sent a scripture to meditate on and a prayer for the day. I pray this blesses you.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Easter @ Worship Life

Worship Life Easter


"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him will not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16)Online Giving.

When I was thirteen I had a powerful encounter with the risen Christ. It was authentic, genuine and real. I've never doubted my faith because I didn't base my faith on a system of beliefs or someone's theology. I based my faith on the reality of a person who loved me and made Himself known to me. We live in an age where people talk about Jesus like you would the friend of a friend that you've never actually met. They talk about the idea of Jesus. They talk about their philosophy of Jesus and the kind of Jesus they would or wouldn't believe in. They talk about what books say about Jesus. In fact, there is a growing generation of post modern religious people who talk about the ideal Jesus and write books based on their idea of Jesus. Jesus is love and therefore Jesus would never want to condemn anyone to hell because that Jesus wouldn't be very nice. That is their "ideal" Jesus. The problem is that Jesus isn't an ideal, He's a person. Jesus the person would never condemn anyone to hell. People condemn themselves by rejecting Jesus. That's why Jesus came and died... so that we could live forever with Him. There is a school of thought that believes that after death we'll have a second shot at Jesus because it's not consistent with the "nice" Jesus to condemn people for eternity. Here's the truth. If you don't want anything to do with Jesus on earth... why would Jesus make you spend forever with Him? That would be really be "mean" and not "ideal." Again, Jesus died to make a way for everyone that accepted His free gift of salvation.
The real passion of Jesus is that He so passionately loved us that when we hated Him, He put His love on the line for us and made a way for us to be rescued, saved, delivered from destruction. We are entering a season where the reality of what Jesus has done for us will be proclaimed throughout the world. I want to challenge you to begin praying for the family, the friend, the co-worker, the cashier at the store, the person that you want to introduce to Jesus. Most people are open to an invitation to church and I pray that you will invite them to come with you to church over the Easter season. Maybe you will be the catalyst for their lives to be forever changed. At Worship Life we have a full week of services. Palm Sunday, Wednesday Seder Dinner with Bob Probert, Good Friday Service with Cherri Keaggy and our Easter Together Services on Easter Sunday. I'm also putting on a Night of Worship at The Good Earth Coffee Shop in Lake Forest with Shineyhead, Brenda Harp, David Ostrea and the Worship Life Team. Date is April 15 and time is 7:30 - 10:00 pm. Make sure to mark your calendars
CONCERT FOR JAPAN: Come join us for an evening of fun music by the Surfaris with Bob Berryhill, original author and performer of the 1963 hit song "Wipe Out." There will be a special opportunity to give financially to support relief efforts in Japan. Proceeds will go to a mission organization supporting Japanese relief efforts including Asian Access and Send International. This event is sponsored by Calvary South County. Date is Sunday, April 10. Time is 6:00 pm. Location is the Coach House in San Juan Capistrano.

We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.

Roxie and I are praying for you...
P.S. SPECIAL NOTE FOR EASTER: We will not be meeting at Vista Del Mar School on Easter April 24, 2001. We will be joining the Body of Christ in San Clemente as part of the Easter Together Celebration. We will provide opportunities for you to bring your normal Sunday offering for Worship Life at the Seder Dinner and at the Good Friday Service. You are also invited to send in your offering to the church office by mail or bring it the following week to services. The offering received at Easter Together will go towards relief work in Haiti.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

There Is Power In The Blood


"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace" (Eph 1:7)Online Giving.

When I was a young boy, I thought I wanted to become a doctor. I read Issac Asimov's book on the Human Body and Grey's Anatomy. I watched the TV show Medical Center every week and used to play games where we would rush people into surgery and save their lives. That was until the day when I encountered real blood. I was playing football around the trailer I grew up in. I was tackled and slid into a metal frame the held up an oil barrel that was used to provide fuel for the trailer. My knee was completely gashed open. It was a mess. I nearly fainted. I also decided that maybe I wasn't cut out for the medial field because I really couldn't take the sight of blood.


Most people are like that. We don't like to talk about unpleasant things like blood. In fact, the blood of Jesus is something that is missing from the message that many churches preach in America today. It's not politically correct. It's not seeker friendly to talk about the blood. But without the blood of Jesus Christ there is no forgiveness of sins. There is no sacrifice without bloodshed. In the tabernacle we see an amazing picture of the power of the blood. The High Priest would enter into the Holy of Holies once year to sprinkle blood on the Mercy Seat. The Mercy Seat sat on top of the Ark of the Covenant where the 10 Commandments were housed. If you could imagine, the mercy seat would be sprinkled with blood. The blood dripping down would cover what? The law. The law told us that the wages of sin is death, but the blood of Jesus dripping from the Mercy Seat covered our sins and released us from our debt of sin. It was the picture of total forgiveness.


As we enter the Easter season where we are remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus, I pray that the power of God's forgiveness would be unleashed in your life as you realize that your sins have been washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ.


PRAY FOR JAPAN: We have all been shocked by the recent tragedy in Japan. I have friends and relatives in Japan. Thankfully they are safe. I believe this is an incredible opportunity for the Body of Christ to demonstrate the love and power of the Christian God to the people of Japan. There will be a special prayer meeting at The Shoreline Sunday, March 27 at 7:00 pm.

We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.

Roxie and I are praying for you...



Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Case Of Forgotten Identity?

"But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ" (Eph 2:13)Online Giving.

This week my son was staying at a friends house and he called me for to help him recover his Xbox gamer tag so he could play Xbox at his friends house. He asked me what my Windows Live ID was so he could log in on a different machine from another location. I told him what I thought it was, but it wasn’t working. He says to me, "You’ve got the wrong ID dad." So I went through every possible password and User ID combination I could think of. Nothing worked. I couldn't get into the game because I had forgotten my identity.

There are alot of Christians who are struggling to get into the game of life because they've forgotten their identity in Christ. They listen to what the world says about them. They listen to what their conditioning or training says about them. They listen to what people in authority say about them. They listen to everyone and everything but God. However, God is the only One that can actually tell us who He created us to be and what He created us for. As we go through the book of Ephesians on Sunday morning, I pray that you will be reminded of your identity in Christ so you can get back into the game based on who He says you are and not any other voice.

PRAY FOR JAPAN: We have all been shocked by the recent tragedy in Japan. I have friends and relatives in Japan. Thankfully they are safe. I believe this is an incredible opportunity for the Body of Christ to demonstrate the love and power of the Christian God to the people of Japan. There will be a special prayer meeting at Heritage Christian Fellowship Friday, March 17 at 7:00 pm.

We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.

Roxie and I are praying for you...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are?


"or we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Eph 2:10)Online Giving.

I don't know about you, but I live in the tension of God's Word and the reality of what I see in the daily circumstances of my life. I read God's Word and I walk away thinking God's promises are yes and amen. Then I get one phone call that makes me doubt everything I just read. Do you ever feel like that? What do you do when your reality doesn't appear to match God's Word? Do you trust your circumstances or do you trust what God says?
This Sunday we begin a new series entitled "Grace Filled Relationships." We will be going through the book of Ephesians and looking at the life that God says is ours. It's important to remember that Paul is writing the book of Ephesians from a prison cell. While he is describing life from a heavenly perspective, he is facing the circumstances of every day life in a prison cell on earth. How does he do it? We'll discover how as we go through what is considered the High Sierra's of Scripture.

SPECIAL NOTE: This Sunday, we will not be observing Daylights Savings Time until after the service. SO... Don't change your clock an hour forward the night before. Do it on Sunday after church. Of course, if you don't get the message, we welcome your help in setting up.

We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.

Roxie and I are praying for you...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The King Is Coming


"28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28)Online Giving.

I believe we are living in the Last Days. Literally ever aspect of Christian life is under attack. In the UK, a couple is banned by the court from becoming foster parents because of their Christian values and belief that homosexuality is a sin. On the ABC Network a new pilot program called "Good Christian B*tches" is being brought to life by "Sex In The City" executive producer Darren Star. ABC is owned by Disney. The new Catholic Bible is reframing the virgin birth by reinterpreting Isaiah 7:14 to say a "young woman" shall conceive and bear a son instead of a virgin. Finally, our President in a very revealing decision has decided that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional because it defines marriage as being between a man and a woman and excludes same sex marriages. It's only a matter of time before Pastors will be charged with "hate speech" simply because they are teaching the Word of God.
Tonight we start our study through the Book of Revelation. On Sunday we will begin our study through the book of Ephesians. Both are crucial for the life of every believer at this time. The Book of Revelation is crucial because it not only reveals God plan for the last days that we find ourselves in, but it also reveals God's desire for how we are to live during such troubled times. Ephesians is crucial because it tells us who we are in Christ and how we are to relate as Christians to the world around us. How important it is for us to understand God's heart for us in these last days. I invite you to come out and join us on Wednesday evenings and encourage you to bring a friend on Sunday mornings. We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.
SPECIAL NOTE: This Sunday, we will not be observing Daylights Savings Time until after the service. SO... Don't change your clock an hour forward the night before. Do it on Sunday after church. Of course, if you don't get the message, we welcome your help in setting up.

Roxie and I are praying for you...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Created To Worship

"not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit,whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior" (Titus 3:5,6)Online Giving

Our website says, WORSHIP LIFE CALVARY CHAPEL is a community of faith, hope and love under the Lordship of Jesus Christ who desire to know God through His WORD, love God through our WORSHIP and reflect God through our WITNESS. We want to be a church that understands worship. That loves to worship. That lives a life of worship. I believe we were created to be worshippers. Everything that we do as believers is really an act of worship. Evangelism is declaring the greatness of God to those who don't yet have a relationship with Him. Encouragement is reminding each other of God's greatness in our lives. Even the study of the Word of God is for us to get to know God intimately which results in expressions of worship. Worship is the central purpose of the Church.

Graham Kendrick, the founder of March For Jesus, says that everybody worships. Whether it is a hero, possessions, success, pleasure, a political cause, a carved idol or oneself, the way we live and behave makes evident the things we love and give ourselves to. It is in our very nature to worship, and that inner drive is God-given; the disaster is that as part of a fallen race, we have replaced the object of our worship. To be converted to faith in Jesus Christ is to return to the worship of the true God, and to dethrone all rivals to His authority. The very heart of worship is the giving, not only of our talents and goods, but of our very selves. The very words used for worship in the Bible are not adjectives or nouns, but verbs. Verbs mean action. Worship is not something we watch, it's something we do. It's a full contact sport.
My prayer for you is that you will discover how much God loves You. That you will experience the heighth, the depth, the width, the breadth of His love and in doing so that you will become a passionate worshipper of God. God loves to make worshippers out of rebels. He loves to make believers out of doubters. He's in the business of busting down all the myths that we believe about Him and setting us free to follow Him with everything that is within us. The primary way He does that is through His Word. I want to encourage you to go through the Bible this year with us. Let His Word get into your life and watch how it will transform you into a passionate worshipper of God.
We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO. We appreciate all the emails, tweets and facebook posts. They are a great encouragement to us.

Roxie and I are praying for you...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

highlights from our anniversary

"I will also meditate on all Your work, And talk of Your deeds. 13 Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary; Who is so great a God as our God? 14 You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. " (Psalms 77:12-14)

There is a song that's been etched in my heart since Sunday. It's a song that Chris Lizotte played at the end of the service. The chorus of the song simply says... How great is the love of God. How great is the love of God. That simple chorus perfectly expresses what's in my heart when I think about the last year of ministry at Worship Life Calvary Chapel. Roxie and I have seen a great outpouring of God's love in our lives unlike any other time we've every experienced together as a couple. We are overwhelmed at how good God is and how much He love each and every one of us. Here are some of the things that really stood out for us...

The service began with a video montage that included words of encouragement and blessing from Kim Hill, Kathy Koch, Levi Lusko, Carl Tuttle and Pedro Garcia. I first met Kim Hill at Estes Park and I've had the joy of serving with her in ministry. She is the real deal and an blessing to Roxie and myself. Kathy Koch has become a friend as well and what I appreciate about Kathy is her sincere love for Jesus. She has blessed Roxie and I in such huge ways. I had the privilege of serving in ministry with Levi Lusko at Ocean Hills when Skip Heitzig was the pastor. He is doing an incredible work in Montana at Fresh Life Church. Levi is one of the bright stars on the horizon of the next generation of preachers. Carl Tuttle has been a worship leader hero to me for years. As a young worship leader, he was one of the ones I hoped I could be like when I grew up. Over the years he has become a friend and I truly love his heart for God. Pedro Garcia is such a passionate preacher of the gospel. I was introduced to Pedro through a mutual friend - Dennis Agajanian. Dennis wanted me to become his worship leader, but instead one of the worship leaders I mentored - Nate Meyst - became his worship leader. Nate's wife Chrissy was my assistant at Ocean Hills. I feel such a connection with Pedro's church and I'm proud to say that Pedro has one of the best worship leader's in America.

Chris Lizotte led worship. I don't know how to put into words my appreciation for Chris. As a worship leader, I am really sensitive to the strengths and weaknesses of fellow worship leaders. Chris is one of those worship leaders that not only has amazing skill, but also has an infectious love for Jesus that inspires me to worship. It was such a gift to Roxie and myself to have him at our one year anniversary. I hope to lead worship like Chris when I grow up. Click on the WORSHIP link below to see Chris in action.

We had another video montage that included Carl Westerlund, Tony Logan and JP Jones. Carl Westerlund has known me since I was sixteen years old. I would go up and minister at his Baptist church in Julian. He was also the director of the School of Ministry where I graduated from many years later. I so appreciate Carl's encouragement in my life. I'm so honored to have Carl serving on the board of our church. Tony Logan is probably one of my closest friends. I don't know many weeks that have gone by where I wasn't talking to Tony. He also serves on the the board of Worship Life Calvary Chapel. JP Jones is the pastor of Crossline Community Church, but he is also one of the central figures in our history as a church. JP Jones blessed us with a trailer, racks and a stage for our brand new church plant. Through his generosity God showed his love and grace to Roxie and myself.

The third video montage came from David Rosales and Dave Rolph. Roxie and I had the joy of having breakfast with David and Marie. We have grown to love their heart for God and they have been such encouragements to us. Dave Rolph is one of my heros in the faith. When Roxie and I came under intense attack from the enemy, Dave put his reputation on the line for us and I will never forget that. He is a true friend. From his perspective he just stood for the truth, but to us he demonstrated God's grace. He also oversaw my affiliation process with Calvary Chapel and was such an encouragement to our church.

Then came the message from John Milhouse. Now I need to say that I really didn't know John prior to 2010. But I need to say that they have become one of the greatest sources of encouragement to Roxie and I over our journey in planting this church. To most people John's name would be non-descript. But he has built a solid church of several thousands in Moreno Valley... a town that many would consider as "hard to minister in." But through years of faithfulness to God and with no one except the Lord to guide his steps he has built one of the largest churches in the community he serves by the grace of God. His words to us were timely and transforming. The morning ended with one of my favorite things to do... praying for people. Tear filled eyes of folks laying down their burdens at the cross. I'll never get tired of that.

There were some from our church family who weren't able to make it for various reasons, so the service is available online in two places. To see just the message CLICK HERE. To see the webcast of the entire service CLICK HERE. We are looking forward to what the Lord is going to do in the coming years.

Roxie and I are praying for you...



Sunday, February 13, 2011


"one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. " (Philippians 3:13-14)

Worship Life Calvary Chapel was started in response to the leading of the Holy Spirit that was confirmed in extraordinary ways. Our passion has been to develop a community that desires to know God through His Word, love God through our Worship and reveal God through our Witness. As I look back over the year I can honestly say that we are well on our way to making this a reality by the grace of God and by the power of His Spirit. We are a church that is built on the uncompromising teaching of God's Word. We are passionate worshippers and growing in our expression of worship. We are becoming unashamed witnesses of God's grace and love in our lives. All I can say is Praise The Lord for all that He has done.

As much as I love what God has done, I'm even more excited about what God is doing and will do in the months and years ahead. We're off to a good start, now let's get ready for the next leg of the race. There is so much to pray for, lives to lead to Christ, so much to accomplish and each and every one of you are vital to the mission of seeing San Clemente transformed by the gospel. As we look to the future I want to encourage you to get into God's Word on a daily basis. I want to encourage you to purchase worship music and fill your cars, homes and work environments with songs of praise. I want to encourage you to incorporate prayer into your life on a moment by moment basis. I love the quote by Smith Wigglesworth who said, "I can't pray for more than 5 minutes at a time but I can't go for more than 5 minutes without praying." I want to encourage you to fall in love with Jesus and discover His grace in your life. His unmerited, undeserved favor. Finally, I want to encourage you to come to Bible Study on a regular basis. Now there are many in Orange County that go to five or six Bible Studies and so they think they're in the Word all the time. But there is something different that happens when you commit to a local church and you're not only hearing the Word, but you're also placing yourself in relationship with other believers who will get to know you and be a source of encouragement to you.

For those of you who have been part of our teaching ministry on Sunday's and Wednesday's you'll understand that I'm not asking you to step into some legalistic trap of religious works, but I'm asking you to position yourself in a place where you can receive a greater revelation of His love and grace for you. How do we do that? By listening to Him speak to us through His Word, through Worship and through others as they reveal Jesus to us through their lives. My continued prayer for you is that as you become more aware of God's love in your life, that you will become more passionate in sharing your faith with others.

Roxie and I are praying for you...



P.S. THIS SUNDAY MARKS ONE YEAR OF MINISTRY... Our 1 year celebration is February 13, 2011. We have special music with recording artist Chris Lizotte (MY FAVORITE WORSHIP LEADER) and a special word of encouragement from Pastor John Milhouse from Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley. We also have some surprises that we will be sharing throughout the morning. Look forward to celebrating with you.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Two Weeks Away


"I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus" (1 Corinthians 1:4)Online Giving

In December of 2009, I met with Pastor Chuck Smith. I shared with him about a study we had started in San Clemente and how we believed God was calling us to start a Calvary Chapel in San Clemente. When we looked at the map, there were no Calvary Chapels in this area. Pastor Chuck encouraged us to "go for it" and prayed for us. Shortly after that we began prayer meetings at the home of Chris and Linda Arce. Those were rich times of prayer and worship where the values of Worship LIfe were born. We started looking for a place to meet on Sunday mornings and God led us to Vista Del Mar School. We were approved in 2 weeks over Christmas vacation. We didn't know this was unusual. We just followed the proceedures were were asked to follow and God gave us favor. The rest is history.

I was recently asked by a friend of mine who planted a church in Twikenham, England by the name of Rob Dingman, what have you learned through this process. What came to my mind is that I've learned about God's love and grace. When I was in the school of ministry, Pastor Chuck shared about how God provided for his family. They were amazing stories, but I never believed that God would ever care for me like that. Howver, through this church plant we've seen God provide in ways that have blown our minds. I knew God loved me intellectually, but now I've experienced His love on a whole new level.

How often do we go into something thinking I'm going to do something great for God and through the process we discover that God is doing something great in us? God is more interested in what He does to us than what He does through us. He didn't save us to use us, but He saved us so that we could have relationship with Him. Sometimes God uses the things we are most passionate about to get to our hearts where He can give us a greater revelation of His love for us. Let Him.

Roxie and I are praying for you...



P.S. MARK YOUR CALENDARS... Our 1 year celebration is February 13, 2011. We have special music with recording artist Chris Lizotte and a special word of encouragement from Pastor John Milhouse from Calvary Chapel Moreno Valley. We also have some surprises that we will be sharing throughout the morning. Look forward to celebrating with you.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Check out this testimony... so crazy!!!

You never know how God will use you if you just take a step of faith for Him.... Here's a testimony a lady sent Roxie and I. It is raw and unedited. Seems to pain the picture better.

hey holland and roxie!

i emailed a friend a couple days ago to update her on some of the awesome ways we are seeing personal prayers answered in our lives these days, and it dawned on me that YOU GUYS should be the ones to hear about it, since much of this news actually began with you, that night on san clemente pier. sometimes we just go on serving others for the lord and often times don't get to see or hear about the results in someone's life, and when i do hear that someone was truly touched by the lord, it really encourages me and warms my soul with such gratitude... i'm sure it's the same for you guys... so, i wanted to share our recent news around here with you and hope it encourages you as you continue to minister to, and pray for those people god puts in your path. you would have NO IDEA how grateful i am that the lord steered you to the pier that night without hearing what the lord has been doing in our son's life since we met you on the pier. so i copied & pasted part of my email to a friend, the part you need to know about, so you can be blessed by it too! here's the copy:

so god just keeps hooking us up with the coolest people these days.

scott & i were out lobstering one night and this couple came up to us to give us

some info on a new church they'd just planted in san clemente. they asked if

there was anything we wanted prayer for, and i told them about joel, and they

told us about their own son, who is also in jail. seemingly perfect strangers

just sharing this great sadness for our wayward, beautiful boys, so lost and

desperate for the lord's touch, and right there on the pier we prayed for each

other's kids. it turned out that the pastor was actually someone very special

from our old church... (he was the music director)... so we went to their new

church the next day, and he actually mentioned to the congregation that they

had a couple of divine appointments the night before on san clemente pier,

and i just smiled, because it was sooooo true for us too, as i had been praying

for god to put his people in our path!

the pastor emailed afterwards, and i wrote back asking him to pray about a

ministry i wanted to start to support the orange county rescue mission, and we

all met for coffee, and he & his wife were all supportive, and somehow in that meeting

with them just confirmed god's calling to get this thing going for the mission. i put an

ad in craigslist a couple days before that, and it just took off from there.

then i contacted a church in westminster and asked them if they ever visit

people in jail... (it's a real upbeat place for young people, though we've never

been to it). anyway, the next week, joel told me someone from that church came

to see him, and as he talked to the pastor, he was really honest about himself

and his backsliding with god. before the guy left, he asked if joel wanted

some study notes. joel told me he really didn't care about the study notes one way or

the other, but took them just to be polite because the guy had been so nice to

come up and see him. then a "street" type bible came to the jail that i had

ordered him, and he started reading it. at that point, he remembered the pastor's notes,

and got them out and actually studied what he was reading, and said it all came

back to him, this passion for the truth, and said that now he has this

"overwhelming desire to absorb as much as he can from the bible". those were his

exact words! so then, he and five other guys formed their own bible study in

jail, and meet everyday now. next, he got a new bunk-mate who just happens to go

to the church the pastor was from, and knows all these pro-skaters that gabe

knows of, who film and do artwork, people who gabe keeps up with for their

"skate-fame" and all. the bunk-mate is a nazarene and totally sold out to god,

and if you think about it, shouldn't even be IN there, but gets bunked in with

joel. joel says he's hilarious AND a believer, and just can't believe god put

them together like that when the kid has no drug issues or prior legal problems.

(he's in huge trouble for a mural he painted on a wall, haha!)

it is typical for the different races to fight in the jail he's in, but joel

gets along with everyone, and their bible study group is made up of one mexican,

a black guy, an asian, a jewish guy and joel. he says in their bible study group,

there is NO COLOR... no notice of race or color... just "orange" for the clothes they

wear. they pray for each other, for god's will, not their own, before each other's court

dates, etc. then the pastor who visits him wrote me and said that joel is obviously

of superior intelligence and has a solid foundation in christ, so he put him in charge of

editing his sermon notes (from jail! haha), and some publications he's been

working on. so now joel is getting even more out of the word through this

ingenious pastor's idea to have him work on it with him! (surely the pastor

re-proofs his work after joel, but how cool is that?!!) and this all came from

god directing our old music pastor and his wife over to us on a pier one

night, and praying for each other's sons. the timing was only something god can

do... you know those moments, huh...

and you know we've been looking for another boat... well, the lord may have

clearly just told us not to buy one. the boat trip came from us asking some

random guy at a gas station about his 26-foot inflatible, and he whips out

these pictures of his dolphin runs, and i notice a verse from ephesians

written at the bottom of one of his pictures, and say "oh, you're a christian...

ephesians, blah blah blah." he turns out to be a member of capo calvary

right down the street, with a boat ministry of sorts, and right there at the gas station

invites us out on the water on new years day, and has given us a standing

invitation to go boating whenever he's down at the harbor. he's a photographer

in laguna so we all shared a lot in common. scott was in hog-heaven out on the

water again, and i just love the way we can see god leading the daily affairs of our

lives again... even putting christian men in scott's path that seem to be leading to

some discipling for him. this guy is perfect for scott, who could really use a christian

mentor. (END OF COPY)

so how's that for a happy new year for us?? hahah, isn't this awesome stuff?? praise god!
anyway, blessings & happy new year to you both. we hope to see you again soon!
