“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name." (Revelation 3:8)This week we looked at the Church of Philadelphia. Philadelphia was a city under constant change. It was highly transitory. People came and went because it was a major trade center between Europe and Asia. The land was unstable due to volcanic activity which led to earthquakes. The people of Philadelphia were constantly leaving the city because they preferred to live in the safety of the country. The name of the city was in constant change as it was named after the latest Roman emperor. However, despite all the instability and uncertainty that surrounded Philadelphia, the believers there were completely faithful to God. To this day, there has always been a worshipping Christian presence in Philadelphia. They were faithful.
We often look for external evidence of success. A big bank account. A nice home. Lots of friends. A well respected position in a company. I even had a preacher once tell me that my son was called to the ministry because he was good looking and made people laugh. This might define success from the world's perspective. But God sees success much differently. To God success equals faithfulness.
There is such a pull in our culture to be successful from the world's perspective. I was even told, why do we have all these little churches. We just need a few big churches. Unfortunately, statistics show that small churches provide a better environment for accountability and spiritual growth. This is just one example of where our view of success clashes with God's view of success. I want to encourage you to spend some time alone with God and ask yourself this question. What things do I focus on as measurements for success in my life? Am I focused on God's measure for success or am I focused on this world's measurement for success? Be honest and ask God to refocus you if you discover that you're measurement for success isn't the same as God's. Remember, God is only after one thing... faithfulness.
We have started webcasting our services. You can view them at USTREAM. You can also catch up on studies that you've missed or perhaps your following us from a distance at VIMEO.
Roxie and I are praying for you...
P.S. Pray for Worship Life as we begin looking for a facility that we can call our own and pray for Revival in South Orange County. God is doing great things!!!