"I will also meditate on all Your work, And talk of Your deeds. 13 Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary; Who is so great a God as our God? 14 You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. " (Psalms 77:12-14)
There is a song that's been etched in my heart since Sunday. It's a song that Chris Lizotte played at the end of the service. The chorus of the song simply says... How great is the love of God. How great is the love of God. That simple chorus perfectly expresses what's in my heart when I think about the last year of ministry at Worship Life Calvary Chapel. Roxie and I have seen a great outpouring of God's love in our lives unlike any other time we've every experienced together as a couple. We are overwhelmed at how good God is and how much He love each and every one of us. Here are some of the things that really stood out for us...
The service began with a video montage that included words of encouragement and blessing from Kim Hill, Kathy Koch, Levi Lusko, Carl Tuttle and Pedro Garcia. I first met Kim Hill at Estes Park and I've had the joy of serving with her in ministry. She is the real deal and an blessing to Roxie and myself. Kathy Koch has become a friend as well and what I appreciate about Kathy is her sincere love for Jesus. She has blessed Roxie and I in such huge ways. I had the privilege of serving in ministry with Levi Lusko at Ocean Hills when Skip Heitzig was the pastor. He is doing an incredible work in Montana at Fresh Life Church. Levi is one of the bright stars on the horizon of the next generation of preachers. Carl Tuttle has been a worship leader hero to me for years. As a young worship leader, he was one of the ones I hoped I could be like when I grew up. Over the years he has become a friend and I truly love his heart for God. Pedro Garcia is such a passionate preacher of the gospel. I was introduced to Pedro through a mutual friend - Dennis Agajanian. Dennis wanted me to become his worship leader, but instead one of the worship leaders I mentored - Nate Meyst - became his worship leader. Nate's wife Chrissy was my assistant at Ocean Hills. I feel such a connection with Pedro's church and I'm proud to say that Pedro has one of the best worship leader's in America.
Chris Lizotte led worship. I don't know how to put into words my appreciation for Chris. As a worship leader, I am really sensitive to the strengths and weaknesses of fellow worship leaders. Chris is one of those worship leaders that not only has amazing skill, but also has an infectious love for Jesus that inspires me to worship. It was such a gift to Roxie and myself to have him at our one year anniversary. I hope to lead worship like Chris when I grow up. Click on the WORSHIP link below to see Chris in action.
We had another video montage that included Carl Westerlund, Tony Logan and JP Jones. Carl Westerlund has known me since I was sixteen years old. I would go up and minister at his Baptist church in Julian. He was also the director of the School of Ministry where I graduated from many years later. I so appreciate Carl's encouragement in my life. I'm so honored to have Carl serving on the board of our church. Tony Logan is probably one of my closest friends. I don't know many weeks that have gone by where I wasn't talking to Tony. He also serves on the the board of Worship Life Calvary Chapel. JP Jones is the pastor of Crossline Community Church, but he is also one of the central figures in our history as a church. JP Jones blessed us with a trailer, racks and a stage for our brand new church plant. Through his generosity God showed his love and grace to Roxie and myself.
The third video montage came from David Rosales and Dave Rolph. Roxie and I had the joy of having breakfast with David and Marie. We have grown to love their heart for God and they have been such encouragements to us. Dave Rolph is one of my heros in the faith. When Roxie and I came under intense attack from the enemy, Dave put his reputation on the line for us and I will never forget that. He is a true friend. From his perspective he just stood for the truth, but to us he demonstrated God's grace. He also oversaw my affiliation process with Calvary Chapel and was such an encouragement to our church.
Then came the message from John Milhouse. Now I need to say that I really didn't know John prior to 2010. But I need to say that they have become one of the greatest sources of encouragement to Roxie and I over our journey in planting this church. To most people John's name would be non-descript. But he has built a solid church of several thousands in Moreno Valley... a town that many would consider as "hard to minister in." But through years of faithfulness to God and with no one except the Lord to guide his steps he has built one of the largest churches in the community he serves by the grace of God. His words to us were timely and transforming. The morning ended with one of my favorite things to do... praying for people. Tear filled eyes of folks laying down their burdens at the cross. I'll never get tired of that.
There were some from our church family who weren't able to make it for various reasons, so the service is available online in two places. To see just the message CLICK HERE. To see the webcast of the entire service CLICK HERE. We are looking forward to what the Lord is going to do in the coming years.
Roxie and I are praying for you...